The “Night Wolf Tactics” for Upwork Freelancers in Africa.
Upwork is way more competitive for freelancers in Nigeria and some other countries. Here is one of the ways to beat the worldwide competition for jobs on Upwork.
As a freelancer on Upwork, you must think like a digital marketer. In digital marketing, it is important that you know your customers. For instance, as a Nigerian freelancer, I once created a customer persona for my targeted clients on Upwork based on statistics I found online. I then realized that most of my typical prospective clients are asleep when I am awake and awake when I am asleep. This is mostly due to the time zone difference. (With the exception of UK clients, most of my clients are in the United States, Canada, and Australia).
Hence, I flipped the switch. That is, I sleep during the inactive hours of my clients and stay up at night to be active when they are active. I tried this out for a few months. I observed that I got less competition and more responses. Nigerian Upworkers know how 50+ proposals have already been submitted for a job posted four minutes ago. You stand a lesser chance even if you submit the best proposal in the world, That is, it may never be viewed by the client because going through 50 proposals is a lot of hectic work for the Upwork Clients.
Being a Nightwolf as a Nigerian Freelancer reduces that drastically (though not completely), but you can (at least) be one of the first sets of freelancers the prospective clients see before others. The word “Nightwolf” here has nothing to do with the MK game; it simply means, “Stay up at night!” or, for non-Nigerians reading this, “stay up at your targeted client’s active hours.” This might be the game-changer your mentor is yet to tell you. Check out my other Upwork tips
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